Pierre & Miquelon


Dale, VE7SV
Team Leader |
- First licensed in 1960 at age 15 as VE7BFN
- In 1963 became VE7BFN/ VE8 and later VE8AA and VE8RR
- In 1965 I went on my first DXpedition as ZF1SV in the Cayman Islands
- Some of the DXpeditions that I may have worked you from are as
follows: ZF1SV, ZF9SV, ZF9SV/ZF8,VP2MSV, VP2M, VP2A, 3D2SV, 3D2AM (Conway Reef),
CP6AA, VE7SV/CP6, BT1X, BT1DX, ZL/VE7SV, P40SV, CY9A (St Paul Island), OH/VE7SV,
- My greatest thrill has been to participate in the WRTC (World Radio Team
Championships) representing Canada. You may recall working me as:
- K7ZR in 1990 in Seattle with Lee, VE7CC
- W6O in 1996 in San Francisco as a referee for Team South Africa
- S521H in 2000 from Slovenia with Gary, VA7RR
- OJ6K in 2002 from Finland with Andy, VE7AHA.

Jason, VE7AG
6 meter advisor
- First licensed in 1996 as VE7AGG
- In 2002 I acquired the call VE7AG
- Primary interest is 6m band and have struggled my way up to 38 countries,
mostly on cw
- Without question, the highpoint of my 6m DX activities to date came
on June 10, 2001 when I (along with a few other VE7's) finally succeeded in an
over the pole
contact with Europe!
- I do occasionally operate the
upper weak signal VHF bands as well as enjoy HF contesting and low band DXing

Andy, VE7AHA
Equipment Manager
- I was first licensed as WV2AYM in 1958
- In 1959 I was WA2AYM
- In 1972 I became VE7AHA
- Recent trips have included T32HA, V31HA, S5, OH and OH0 -- each included lots
of radio but also some very special fishing experiences -- regretfully,
none have included twins.
- OJ6K in 2002 WRTC from Finland with Dale, VE7SV

Lee, VE7CC
Low Band Antennas
- First licensed as VE7BDJ in 1962 at age 16
- I attained 5BDXCC #134 in 1972
- In 1974 I changed my call to VE7CC
- Participated in the WRTC (World Radio Team Championships)
representing Canada. You may recall working me as:
- K7ZR in 1990 in Seattle with Dale, VE7SV
- K6Q in 1996 in San Francisco with Gary, VA7RR
- In 2002 I was TI5/VE7CC
- In 2001 I was part of the
YK9A DXpedition
- Mainly operate HF contests and chase DX, especially on 80 meters
- As well as contesting from home, I have had the pleasure of
contesting from VE6JY (2000), VE3EJ (many times), as well as a member of
multi op teams from both VE7SZ and VE7SV
- Sysop of local DX Clusters (VE7CQD and VE7CC) since 1989
- Wrote the 'AR User' Telnet user program for connecting to DX

Steve, VE7CT
Equipment Support
- First licensed in 1957 as
VE4SW followed by VE4XJ
-- a call I held for 22 years apart from three years
as VE5XJ in Regina, Saskatchewan
- In 1980 I moved to B.C. and was issued VE7EXJ
- I received my current call VE7CT in 1985
- In 1990 along with VE7SV and a team of
international hams including Martti, OH2BH,
was privileged to go on a high profile DXpedition to Conway Reef as
- In 2000 I was invited on another high profile
DXpedition K5K on Kingman Reef with a stop
at Palmyra. During this trip I also operated
as T32R from Kiribati (Christmas Island) while awaiting our boat

Dave, VE7VR
Team Photographer
- First licensed in 1969 as VE4EW
- In 1979 I moved from Winnipeg to Botswana, Africa with my family and
became A2CEW. In the 9 months I was on the air from this location
(using an FTDX-400 and 2 el yagi), I made about 2200 contacts. It was an incredible experience
which solidified my interest in Ham Radio, DX'ing and traveling.
- In 1980 I moved to British Columbia and became
VE7FIJ, but was unable to erect
anything more significant than a vertical until 1992 when I moved into a
house with my wife and 7 year old daughter.
- In 1991 I was able to change my call to VE7VR
- In March 2001 my wife and I went on a 1 week trip to Belize in
central America. I operated as V31VR and worked 1200 stations (80% CW)
with very simple antennas.
- I also hold VE3SSJ for my station on St. Joseph Island -- near Sault
Ste. Marie, ON

Dick, N7RO
QSL Manager
- I was first licensed in 1953 at age 12 with the call W7VRO
- I worked 77 countries as a novice and found DX and Contesting were
my thing
- In 1972 I put up monobanders on 40 thru 10m plus (6) six wire
antennas for 80m to support my multi op contest activities over the
ensuing 25 years. In 1997 I reverted back to being a single op
- In 1976 I got the vanity call N7RO and since then have worked 360
countries on SSB. On CW, I've worked all but VU4 and P5 for a mode total
of 359.
- In 1996 I have shifted focus to chasing IOTA's and I'm at the 850
level now
- My personal DX calls include. 8P6DM, FM0IX, J6LAM, VP2GBG and
ZK1RRO (So. Cooks).
- I have operated at ZK1XXP (No. Cooks) and YK9A, Syria
- I have been the ARRL Northwestern Div. DX Advisory Committee
representative since 1994

Ramon, XE1KK
Donation Coordinator
RTTY, PSK31 and Satellite |

Paul, VA7NT
Computers and Logging
- First licensed in 1966 as WN6ZJN
- In 1982 licensed as VE7CQK
- With the opening of the VA7 call-block in 2000 I became VA7NT
- I have had the pleasure of contesting as a member of the multi op
team from VE7SV over the past couple of years

Allan, VE7SZ
- First licensed in 1963 as VE7BOD, then as VE7AON and now VE7SZ.
- I am interested in HF contests and working DX
- My focus is on 80m.
- The VE7SZ station near Langley, B.C. has hosted several great
operators, in single op, MS and MM contests

Paul, VE7AVV
Webmaster, Virtual Pilot and
Team Communications
- First licensed in 1999 as VE7AVV
- Mainly operate HF contests and chase DX on 80 meters where I have
117 countries worked
- I have worked 306 counties -- including P5 on both 10 & 15m
- I am a DXCC member
- Webmaster for BCDX Club

Last modified
October 14, 2004
by Paul B. Peters,
Show contact information
Copyright © 2000 -2004 Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV. All rights reserved.
