St. Pierre & Miquelon


Basic Information

As you'd expect with any DXpedition that spans a 12-day period, they will be spotted numerous times. Team Miquelon was no different being spotted a total of 2,847 times. While the spots themselves are interesting to review in a post-DXpedition mode, the latest release of DX Monitor includes a very nice DX spot analysis tool called "DX Monitor History". Using this tool you can download all the spots for a given call and then plot the spots on various maps for additional graphic analysis. The (spot) data file can be saved and further analysis regarding hourly and daily rates can also be derived from the data using the History tool. The following maps shown (DX spots) by band for FP/VE7SV.

Our thanks to Peter, VE3SUN -- the author of DX Monitor for granting permission to publish the maps on this page.

Spots by Band











4/11/2001 1458 FP/VE7SV 50110 F6KHM + 103 529/xxx need my report :
4/11/2001 1329 FP/VE7SV 50110 F6KHM still qrv???
4/11/2001 1303 FP/VE7SV 50110 OZ1BNN try scandnavia. OZ hrd weak cw
4/11/2001 1256 FP/VE7SV 50110 IK1RLI CW tnx new-one 6m
4/11/2001 1254 FP/VE7SV 50110 G4PCI 319cq
4/11/2001 1252 FP/VE7SV 50110 F5OQK 559 QSB Tnx  NEW ONE
4/11/2001 1250 FP/VE7SV 50110 G4FUF qtf 265 scatter
4/11/2001 1241 FP/VE7SV 50110 IK0FTA but antenna beam 280deg...
4/11/2001 1234 FP/VE7SV 50110 F6GEX 59/59 IN97/GN17 hips!!
4/11/2001 1501 FP/VE7SV 50103 IK0FTA 419 qso f6fhp
4/11/2001 1454 FP/VE7SV 50103 F6FHP CQ 529 in IN94
4/11/2001 1538 FP/VE7SV 50000 F6KHM are u on ?


Activity by Day


Activity by Hour


What country generated the most spots for FP/VE7SV?

K     United States                 888
DL    Fed. Rep. of Germany          234
I     European Italy                194
F     France                        141
SP    Poland                        125
JA    Japan                         115
VE    Canada                        107
G     England                       104
UA    European Russia                90
EA    Spain                          90
ON    Belgium                        60
OK    Czech Republic                 57
PA    Netherlands                    55
SM    Sweden                         44
HA    Hungary                        32
IT9   Sicily                         31
UA9   Asiatic Russia                 30
9A    Croatia                        29
OH    Finland                        26
CT    Portugal                       26
OZ    Denmark                        25
SV    Greece                         24
XE    Mexico                         20
PY    Brazil                         18
UR    Ukraine                        17
OM    Slovakia                       17
GM    Scotland                       15
OE    Austria                        14
HB    Switzerland                    14
HL    South Korea                    13
LA    Norway                         12
S5    Slovenia                       11
LU    Argentina                       9
EU    Belarus                         9
4X    Israel                          8
YU    Serbia & Montenegro             7
VK    Australia                       7
KP4   Puerto Rico                     7
KL    Alaska                          7
EY    Tajikistan                      7
EA8   Canary Is.                      7
T9    Bosnia-Herzegovina              6
LX    Luxembourg                      6
UA2   Kaliningradsk                   5
GW    Wales                           5
EI    Ireland                         5
EA9   Ceuta and Melilla               5
9V    Singapore                       5
9H    Malta                           5
YO    Romania                         4
LY    Lithuania                       4
GU    Guernsey                        4
ZL    New Zealand                     3
S0    Western Sahara                  3
IS    Sardinia                        3
FM    Martinique                      3
BY    China                           3
YV    Venezuela                       2
FY    French Guiana                   2
ER    Moldova                         2
3A    Monaco                          2
ZS    South Africa                    1
ZP    Paraguay                        1
YL    Latvia                          1
YB    Indonesia                       1
TF    Iceland                         1
OY    Faroe Is.                       1
LZ    Bulgaria                        1
KH6   Hawaii                          1
KH2   Guam                            1
HP    Panama                          1
HK    Colombia                        1
GJ    Jersey                          1
GI    Northern Ireland                1
ES    Estonia                         1
CT3   Madeira Is.                     1
CN    Morocco                         1
CE    Chile                           1
9K    Kuwait                          1
5T    Mauritania                      1

Total spots by day during the operation

04-10-23         191
04-10-24         358
04-10-25         332
04-10-26         333
04-10-27         376
04-10-28         383
04-10-29         144
04-10-30         250
04-10-31         224
04-11-01         183
04-11-02          75

Our thanks to Peter, VE3SUN -- the author of DX Monitor for granting permission to publish the maps and data on this page.

Last modified December 04, 2004 by Paul B. Peters, Show contact information
Copyright © 2000 -2004 Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV. All rights reserved.