Pierre & Miquelon

QSL Card Processing Update (March
1, 2005)  |
We are pleased to report that our QSL card processing is back on track and
as of today cards are being mailed. Please be patient, your request will
be answered. On behalf of Team Miquelon, please accept our apology for
this unexpected delay.
Basic Information |
A high quality, full color, QSL cards will be produced.
During the operation, you will be directed to for QSL information. That information in turn will lead
you to this web site. Here is the way to request your cards.
QSL Direct |
Direct cards should be sent to this address:
Richard J Moen, N7RO
2935 Plymouth Drive
Bellingham, WA, 98225
QSL requests received direct will result in a
direct response, subject to the following provisions. Please
read the following in order to receive a direct card:
- Ensure the QSO information on your card is clear and
- Enclose a good quality SASE of sufficient size and strength
for the number of return cards expected.
- Enclose US dollars or sufficient IRCs (International Reply Coupons)
to meet postage costs by airmail or surface mail as appropriate. Loose
USA stamps are also welcome.
- One IRC or one US dollar will pay for return postage for up
to (3) three cards to any location.
- Additional dollars or IRC's are most welcome and will be used to
help offset the costs of the DXpedition.
- Any QSL request received direct but without an SASE, will receive
confirmation via the bureau -- without exception.
Bureau Cards |
QSL requests received via the bureau will receive a return card via the
bureau. Ensure the QSO information on your card is clear and
correct. Please mark your bureau cards
SWL Cards |
The DXpedition policy concerning QSL to SWL reports is as follows:
SWL's requesting a QSL card may only do so via
our DIRECT QSL criteria as set out on this
page. We will not send any SWL cards via the Bureau.
The Bottom Line On Our QSL Policy |
While ever attempt will be made to confirm all QSL requests received,
there will undoubtedly be anomalies.
We will not QSL unless we are requested to do. When we do
receive a QSL request, we will respond 100%, as defined above, provided the QSO
is correct in our log.
That having been said -- when the QSO details on your card request do not find a
direct match in our log, we will do our best to resolve the confusion. For
If the time is wrong, we will QSL without question
If your callsign in the log is close (i.e. 'out' by a dit in
CW or a similar sounding letter in SSB, we will QSL
In the unlikely event the band is wrong but all details are
okay (suggesting a bad band change at our end), we will QSL.
In the unlikely event the mode is wrong but all details are
okay (suggesting a bad band change at our end), we will QSL.
If you present us with any other combination of circumstances,
your QSL request will be handled when all the other cards for this operation
have been sent.
LOTW (Logbook Of The World) |
We will upload our logs to the LOTW
upon completion of the operation. This will include the CQ WW SSB contest logs.
Online Log Search |
If we can source a convenient, fast and relatively cost effective method of
accessing the Internet from our QTH, we would like to have our logs available
online during the operation. This initiative is a work in progress -- so please
check back for updates on this item.. The logs will be available for search at: if everything works according to

Last modified
March 01, 2005
by Paul B. Peters,
Show contact information
Copyright © 2000 -2004 Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV. All rights reserved.
