Ramon, XE1KK (at near position) operating RTTY with Andy, VE7AHA operating
20m CW in background |

Dale, VE7SV making QSO #1 with
PR7FB on 40m CW |

One of the 80m 4-square fiberglass elements in the 100 KPH wind |

Base insulator for the 30m vertical |

Well known call signs adorn the Battle Creek Special shipping crate |

Well known call signs adorn the Battle Creek Special shipping crate |

The Maxotel staff printed pages from our website and attached them to the
window of the hotel lobby for visitor information |

One of the 80m 4-square fiberglass elements in the 100 KPH wind |

(l to r) Dick, N7RO and Alan, VE7SZ |

Dave, VE7VR at the VO1AA station
on Signal Hill |

Andy, VE7AHA making final
connections for our power grid |

Ramon, XE1KK working NA1SS
from the beach |

Cable entry through the kitchen window |

(l to r) Dick, N7RO; Alan, VE7SZ; Ramon, XE1KK and Andy, VE7AHA |

(near to far) Dick, N7RO, Alan, VE7SZ, Ramon, XE1KK and Andy, VE7AHA |

#16 |

Lee, VE7CC (Mr. Low Band)
operating 80m |

You can see marks in the gravel -- that's how far this heavy picnic table
was dragged by the wind |

Our 11-piece shipment ready for
the trip home |

Our 11-piece shipment is loaded
on the truck in Vancouver enroute
to Miquelon |

Team Miquelon
(l to r) Dale, VE7SV; Paul, VA7NT; Dick, N7RO; Dave, VE7VR; Alan, VE7SZ;
Ramon, XE1KK; Lee, VE7CC and Andy, VE7AHA |

(l to r) Dale, VE7SV, Lee, VE7CC and Jason, VE7AG packing tower and
antenna components for shipment |

Team Miquelon
(l to r) Paul, VA7NT; Andy, VE7AHA; Dale, VE7SV; Alan, VE7SZ; Dick, N7RO;
Lee, VE7CC; Dave, VE7VR and Ramon, XE1KK |

The standard back panel for all
our QSL cards |

One of our QSL cards |

One of our QSL cards
Our antenna farm on the Atlantic shores |

One of our QSL cards
One of the 80m 4-square fiberglass elements in the 100 KPH wind |

High above the Maxotel on the north-east coast of Miquelon Island --
looking to the east and Europe |