While taking an electronics course at JM Perry Institute in my home town of
Yakima, WA I became interested in ham radio through another student, Dermot
K7KNU. I got a novice license as WN7DOW in 1964. I visited another ham Glen
W7ADS who had a big station later that year. He was drinking coffee with his
left hand, sending cw with a bug with his right hand, and talking to me at the
same time. I was extremely impressed and set that operating proficiency and
station as a goal. While in Seattle taking a 1st class radiotelephone commercial
license test with other students I took the general class amateur license test
the next day. When matters progressed to passing the code sending test I set my
bug down next to an antique straight key that was screwed down to the testing
table. The wires to it would not reach my bug and the examiner said I had to
provide the means to connect it. I proceeded to flunk using that antique key.
It's one of those unforgettable events. I returned months later armed with 2
clip-leads and became WA7DOW.
In 1965 I became an employee of a radio communications service shop in Yakima, WA. Realizing a city lot was not a place to accomplish the ham radio goal, I managed to wrangle my employer into permitting John, K7GGJ and myself to build a HF station at one of his butte top sites in 1967 (station #1). The photo on the right is me at Jump Off Joe Butte near Kennewick, WA with my quad -- I was 22 years old.
In 1968 a new dam on the Columbia River terminated my other hobbies, goose hunting and steelhead fishing. That combined with a looming military matter enticed me to meet my Canadian relatives. I became an employee of Canadian Motorola that year, and later established an independent MSS radio communications service shop at Woss, B.C. in 1969. I passed the advanced license test and became VE7CCK in 1970. It was a bad cw call and I received the call VE7DHV in 1971. Woss is located in a valley bottom and therefore the ham radio goal could not be realized there.
business expanded to the Sayward Valley where I built a home on 2 acres in 1989.
was up on the east side of the valley. The sunspots were excellent and the ham
radio goal bit hard. By the end of 1990 the station included a TS140S, Henry 3K,
a 4 element tri-band Gem-Quad on a 60 foot Rohn 25 tower, a 5 element full
sloper for 40M and 2 ground planes for 80M (station#2 -- photo on left).
My business leased a property on the west side of the Sayward Valley where
I added a 50 ft tower with a A3 tri-bander and a 40M sloping dipole in 1991
(station #2a was 5 km from station 2 -- photo on the right). Even though
this station was limited by being in a valley I got into cw contesting and
received the 2 letter call VE7UF. Adding a computer, reactivating typing skills,
and gaining the courage to try running stations were challenging undertakings.
married in 1992, and sensing a peak in the Sayward economy, sold the business
there to
retire in 1993. We spent some time at our 3 acre snowbird home near Port
Angeles, WA (photos on left and right) where I did some contesting with a
modest 2 tri-bander station as VE7UF/W7 (station #3). This1996 station consisted
of a Mosley PRO67C on a 100 foot Rohn tower and an A3 tri-bander at 60 feet) We
sold it and the Sayward home and moved to our present 5 acre QTH near Courtenay
in 1998. I met Jim VE7ZO of contesting fame in 1999. Jim resided locally and
despite my trailing operating skills we became friends and cooperators at my
growing station until he moved in 2002. VE5DX, VA7DJ, VE7NS and VE7RG all
contributed to the present 3 tower station shown in the pictures below (station
#4)... Duane
modified February 08, 2004
by Paul B. Peters,
Show contact information
Copyright © 2000 -2003 Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV. All rights reserved.