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The British Columbia DX Club's 2023 annual gathering took place August 19 at Mt. Thom in Chilliwack. the weather cooperated and the smoke was bearable so a great time was had by all. (Special thanks to Koji VA7KO for the photos!)

View the 2023 gallery | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

Andy Ponzini, VE7AHA (SK)

June 20, 2024 -- We mourn passing of fellow BCDX Club member Andy Ponzini, VE7AHA on June 12, 2024. Andy, a resident of Delta, BC, loved radio and DXing, travel and fishing, among his many pursuits in life.

Our condolences to Andy's wife Marion and their sons, extended family and many friends around the world. He will be missed.

Jim Smith, VE7FO (SK)

Nov. 10, 2022 -- We are saddened by the passing of fellow BCDX Club member Jim Smith, VE7FO. Jim was an avid DXer and contester, serving for many years as the BC coordinator for the Pacific Northwest Challenge, gathering club-members' scores toward the PNW Cup competition between clubs throughout the Pacific Northwest.

He was passionate about introducing his fellow hams to the thrill of contesting, often inviting them into his Vancouver home to experience an HF contest for the first time.

Mike VE7ACN: IOTA Expeditioner of the Year

Big congratulations to BCDX Club member Mike Zavarukhin VE7ACN/RW0CN on receiving the 2020 IOTA Expeditioner of the Year Award! The award was announced live on Ham Nation on May 27.

View the announcement (starts at 54:48)

Check out these rare photos from the 1961 Northwest DX Convention!

Dale Green inducted into
CQ Contest Hall of Fame

BC DX Club member Dale Green, VE7SV, has been inducted into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame.

Dale is a world-class contester who has hosted teams of new and experienced contesters at his superstation (Mt. Thom, Chilliwack) for the past 20 years, and recently helped start a contest group in Chile.

The award was presented May 18 at the 21st annual Contest Dinner at the Dayton Hamvention.

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Pacific Northwest Clubs

Orca DX and Contest Club
Western Washington
Willamette Valley
Spokane DX Assoc.
Central Oregon CODX Club
DXing Tools
Propagation Tools
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eHam.net QTH.com classifieds Zone Zero podcast for HF radio contestnig at zone.va7st.ca QRZ.com contesting.com ARRL Contest Update
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