It all started in 1955 (grade 7) when my Industrial Arts teacher wired a lamp in series with a switch and a dry cell using double cotton covered bell wire. The wires were routed in a square layout held down with thumbtacks to a wooden board. Each circuit element had the wire coiled in the form of a solenoid to each terminal of each device. He then closed the switch and the damn light turned on. Home-made one and two transistor radios (anyone remember the 2N107 & CK722 Ge PNP) soon followed. By grade 10, I was enrolled in a technical high school and went off to see the electronics teacher. I wanted to form an electricity club. He said - like ham radio? This suggestion was absurd - how would that be possible? Well, we had a good turn out, a couple of licensed students actually showed up. The school (Victoria High) was soon licensed as VE7AAG with mil surplus equipment. Our electronics instructor was great - theory and code practice at noon and after classes. In 1959, I became VE7AAL, a call held until 2000. Off to Electrical Engineering in 1960 at UBC. Graduated in 1965 and have spent many years with local Vancouver companies in Engineering design and manufacturing.
Member of RAC, ARRL, North Shore Amateur Radio Club and BCDX, the station operates 80 through 10, VHF, UHF and Satellites to 2.4 GHz. I enjoy operating, DX'ing, and contesting but mostly enjoy the technical challenges and rewards that ham radio continues to offer....John.
modified May 23, 2005
by Paul B. Peters,
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Copyright © 2000 -2003 Paul B. Peters, VE7AVV. All rights reserved.